59. The verification report must include the following information and documents:(1) the information needed to identify the verification body and the verifier designated to conduct the verification, the other members of the verification team and the independent reviewer;
(2) the information needed to identify the accreditation body that accredited the verification body for the verification, the sector of activity covered by the accreditation of the verification body, and the period of validity of the accreditation;
(3) the identification of the project, the project report or reports covered by the verification, and the annual GHG emission reductions attributable to the project quantified for each reporting period concerned;
(4) the verification plan and a description of the activities completed by the verifier to verify the project report or reports, along with all exchanges of information and documents between the verifier and the promoter for the purposes of the verification;
(5) the period during which the verification was conducted, and the date of any project site visit;
(6) a list of any errors, omissions or inaccuracies observed in the quantification of the GHG emission reductions attributable to the project, and of any conditions of this Regulation that have not been met, including the following information concerning the error, omission or inaccuracy, or the condition:(a) its description;
(b) the date on which the promoter was informed of it;
(c) where applicable, a description of any action taken by the promoter to correct it, and the date of that action;
(d) in the case of a failure to comply with a condition governing the quantification of the GHG emission reductions attributable to the project that cannot be corrected by the promoter, an assessment of the impact of the failure on the quantification of GHG emission reductions and a notice from the verifier concerning any significant errors, omissions or inaccuracies that may result from that failure;
(7) where applicable, the version and date of each project report revised during the verification;
(8) where the verifier observes errors, omissions or inaccuracies in the quantification of GHG emission reductions attributable to the project, the annual GHG emission reductions for each reporting period which, according to the verifier, are actually attributable to the project, in metric tonnes CO2 equivalent;
(9) the verification opinion given to the promoter pursuant to section 57, along with the justification for the opinion;
(10) a declaration by the verification body and verifier that the verification was conducted in accordance with this Regulation and ISO 14064-3;
(11) a declaration concerning conflicts of interest, including(a) the information needed to identify the verification body, the members of the verification team and the independent reviewer, as well as the sector of activity covered by the accreditation of the verification body;
(b) a copy of the organization chart for the verification body; and
(c) a declaration signed by the representative of the verification body that the conditions of sections 51 and 52 of this Regulation have been met and that the risk of conflict of interest is acceptable.